Gregor Kuschmirz

documentation video of the first setup at 'Design Quartier Ehrenfeld' | Cologne | 2013
Void Machine

An interactive, kinetic installation about personal whereabouts and identity. Its centrepiece was a revolving directory taken from an atlas and a projection of those toponyma, which the authors had erased from the directory beforehand. The audience´s presence speeded up the physical movement and enlarged the projected names, while their absence made the machine stop and shrank the projected typography.
Void machine is the result of a collaboration of Fritz Gnad and Gregor Kuschmirz and has been made possible by Platine Festival 2013.

interactive installation in collaboration with Fritz Gnad | wood, paper, motors, kinect and other electronics | Cologne | 2013

Location based identities
Opening Installation

kinetic installation | Stuttgart | 2007

Location based identities
Unplanmäßiger Zwischenstop [...]

sculptural painting, 92 x 69 x 12 cm | Stuttgart | 2002

Location based Identities

kinetic sound installation | Köln | 2019

Shoot the messenger