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info theme park de en
Lettery 12 12 12
An experiment about probability and trust, which launched on December 12th 2012: 12 'janus-faced' envelopes were send to 24 adressees. The letters inside asked the 12 participants
to write 2 adresses on 2 enclosed postcards, which contained the artists adress on the backside of each card. The adresses, which were collected this way, were used to prepare further envelopes. The experiment lasted several weeks until no more cards returned.
'Lettery 12 12 12' has been executed by pre-digital means only in recorgnition of late 60es mail
12+x letters, 24+x postcards | Colonge | 2012
Location based identities
Void machine
interactive installation | Cologne | 2013
Location based identities
Die andere Wange
kinetic sound installation | Cologne | 2015/2017
Shoot the messenger